I’m a big nerd at heart. I love fantasy and science fiction
movies such as Indiana Jones, The Neverending Story, Star Wars, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, The Crow, The Lost Boys, etc… I’m addicted to shows like The Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones! I have to listen to music constantly. Some of my favorite artists are Tori Amos, Amanda Palmer, Radiohead, Kidneythieves, Green Day, White Stripes, Switchblade Symphony, Concrete Blonde, Jane’s Addiction and The Doors. I’ve collected all The Sandman graphic novels and still read them once in a while. My favorite video games to play is any old Atari game I can pull up on my computer. My number one game crush is Ms. Pac-Man!
And don’t get me started on books! Just to name a few titles I’ve enjoyed, The Tales of the Ketty Jay series by Chris Wooding, The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding, Djinn on the Rocks by Dante Elgin, The French Mistress: A Novel of the Duchess of Portsmouth and King Charles II by Scott, Susan Holloway, Geek Love by Dunn Katherine, Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, Gallows Thief, by Cornwell Bernard, Most of the Odd Thomas series, by Dean Koontz, Heart-Shaped Box, by Dean Koontz, Heart-Shaped Box, by Joe Hill, and currently reading Black Feathers series by Joseph D’ Lacey.
I worked as a film projectionist for nine years until everything went digital. The solitude of working as a projectionist provided the perfect refuge for writing, The Warning, Cherished Thief, and Atlantic Pyramid were all written in a projection booth.
My spoiled cats, Nico and Max.
I also love oil painting.