Cherished Thief: Based on the true story of Britain’s most notorious highwaymen, Claude DuVal

First Chapter

Cherished Thief is available at Amazon

In a time when outlaws are revered as heroes, Claude Duval thrives as a true gentleman of the road. Born into poverty in Domfront, France, in 1643, Duval faces many challenges as he sets off as a youth to make his mark on the world. Soon enough, the handsome and impertinent Claude becomes the most infamous highwaymen in British history! During his decades-long adventure, he is hunted by men and adored by women. However, roaming the King’s Highway by the light of the full moon comes with a terrible price…

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Legacy Series / Boom Time / The Age of the Machine Series / The Warning / Atlantic Pyramid / Cherished Thief / Storyteller / Poe’s Haunted House Tour / The Hex Hunt Series / Spine Shivering Stories / About Moi
